Thursday, May 24, 2012

Protests in Quebec

There have been a rash of protests that have been taking place in Quebec in the past month or so. The first reason for these protests is because of a proposed increase in tuition costs. The proposal will raise the tuition for university from $2,168 to $3,793. This in itself is not very much, although the actual increase is significant. At the current time, it is estimated that the majority of students in Quebec pay tuition themselves, without taking any loans. It is unlikely that the increase will force a majority of students to take loans, there will, however, be an increase of students who will. An interesting side note, there are several countries that have free, or at least nearly free, tuition for their citizens. These countries include France, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Most of these countries have fees for their students, but they are much lower than some countries. 

One of the effects of the student protests is the emergency law, Bill 78. Bill 78 was passed on May 18, 2012, and is entitled, "An act to enable students to receive instruction from the post secondary institutions they attend." The bill basically states that any assembly, protest or picketing on or near university grounds require police approval. This in itself is a violation of the basic rights and freedoms of Canadians and humans. I do understand that there needs to some oversight by governing bodies in terms of assembly there should never need permission to protest. It will start a slippery slope where those in charge my deny protests simply because they do not agree.

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