It's time for the Boys of Summer! That's right it's time to smell the field, the glove, hear the crack of the bat. The cold beers and tasty dogs, yes it's time for baseball!
As your true Toronto fan, I follow the Blue Jays. We got a good team this year. We might not win the AL East, but there's a good chance that we'll have a good, exciting season. The fun of this season is the unknown. We have so many unknown qualities that have the potential, its fun to guess just how far we'll go.
First off, the pitching. Pitching has been this team's strength for a while. From the heady days of the World Series with Keys, Hentgen, and Cone, to the down times with Halliday, and somewhat with Burnett. With the current season, we have a good core of younge pitchers who have the talent to prove to be the best in the AL East. With Romero we have our ace. He's been consistent for the past couple of years. In the #2 slot we have Drabek, if only because Morrow is on the DL. Drabek is an unknown quality. He has only a handful of major league starts, no wins, but his numbers are inpressive. If he can show any sort of form from the minors, we have a future ace in our hands.
Normally in the two slot we have Morrow. Morrow has the stuff of legends. He has a high 90's fast ball and one of the dirtiest sliders around. His problems are his control and injuries. If he can stay healthy, and the pitching staff has been working wonders on his control, he can easily challange for the Cy in future years. How can any Jays fan forget about August 8th, 2010 where Morrow flirted with a no-hit. One out away from matching Dave Stieb, one strikeout from matching Clemens. He posted a 17 strikeout gem that arguably was the best pitched game from 2010, despite it being the year of the pitcher, with 6 no-nos, including two perfect games. Morrow just dominated the Ray's hitters.
Cecil is another solid pitcher, nothing grand but good for the money. Reyes and Litsch round out the five. Reyes' is new and if Litsch can stay healthy, he has a chance to shine.
There is alot of if's on this rotation, but there is plenty of possibility!
We'll talk more about this team soon!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Canadian Music!
So the Junos were on the other day, showcasing the best of Canadian Music. Yes, there is good Canadian music. The darling of the night would have to be Arcade Fire(no, not The Suburbs, as some of the people in twitter world would have you think!) I watched a bit of the show, Arcade Fire played Rococo, decent showing, if not their best stuff. They really are coming into their own, huh?
I'm really digging the (semi) new Broken Social Scene album. It's eclectic to say the least. Every song seems to come from somewhere else. Which is to be expected from people like this. The band itself seems to be made up of Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning and who ever else happens to be in the studio at the time. Some songs have 6 people banging out whatever, some have over a dozen. Many of the members of BSS have their own bands in the Canadian indie scene, some are (now) famous, as Arcade Fire will tell you. So it stands to reason that each musician would bring their own sound, and on several of the tracks it seems like it.
Overall, give The Suburbs and Forgiveness Rock Record a listen to. If you don't like them, well, fack off!
I'm really digging the (semi) new Broken Social Scene album. It's eclectic to say the least. Every song seems to come from somewhere else. Which is to be expected from people like this. The band itself seems to be made up of Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning and who ever else happens to be in the studio at the time. Some songs have 6 people banging out whatever, some have over a dozen. Many of the members of BSS have their own bands in the Canadian indie scene, some are (now) famous, as Arcade Fire will tell you. So it stands to reason that each musician would bring their own sound, and on several of the tracks it seems like it.
Overall, give The Suburbs and Forgiveness Rock Record a listen to. If you don't like them, well, fack off!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Yonge and Dundas

So I have a DSLR. Yes I am Chinese, wanna make something out of it? huh? HUH?
So anyways, I took this here photo in Yonge and Dundas Square. My good friend Malia helped me with the idea. So if you like it, comment, if you hate it, shut up, and go somewhere else. Or comment. but as long as you play nice.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Neverending White Lights
Neverending White Lights is a frikin' amazing band/person. I love this new song with JDiggz. The video is pretty cool as well. The new album from Neverending White Lights should be out near the end of the year, it's called Act 3: Love Will Ruin.
If you don't know who the Neverending White Lights are, a gentleman by the name of Daniel Victor created Neverending White Lights as a collaboration project. Basically Victor writes the songs and plays most or all of the instruments. He gets other musicians to help him out or to sing. He often provides backing vocals for his band.
If you can check out his debut album, Act 1: Goodbye Friends of the Heavenly Bodies, specifically the song The Grace, with Dallas Green on Vocals.
So who am I? I am your typical 20 something year old, back in school. I worked a couple of jobs. Some of them I liked, some I didn't. In nearly every place though I found something I could do, relate to and understand. The first of these jobs was at Costco. The job itself was crap, but the people made all the difference. Working with some of those people made it fun and enjoyable. I am still friends with some of these people to this day, over five years ago since I left.
Experience makes the man, that much is certain. How the experience shapes you and what you take away from it depends on everyone
Experience makes the man, that much is certain. How the experience shapes you and what you take away from it depends on everyone
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
First Post!
Whats up world? I finally decided to post something to my blog. I think I made this for a class some time ago, can't remember, the memory is a bit hazy.
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